31 July 2008


Why do strangers insist on using the abbreviation of your name even after you introduce yourself otherwise? I haven't gone by the abbreviated version of my name in more than ten years.

Try harder to pay attention next time; it doesn't take much effort and goes a long way toward me not thinking you're deaf or a complete tool.

30 July 2008


If you are going to be in town this weekend, you ought to go see Doomtree perform their long-awaited CD release show at 1st Ave. I'd be there but I am travelling to Park Falls, WI, instead to pick vegetables and do my best entertaining a 4yr old.

29 July 2008

coming up...

Cross season starts soon.

Who wants to come watch a race and maybe even hand up a water bottle or two?

Herbert Cornfeld be rollin' in hiz grave

A brief "out of office email" just came across my inbox from an accounts receivable employee. Leaving aside the email's unintentionally comedic opening, "I out of office," I was struck by the awkwardness of its salutation, which read, "THANKS!!!" That is an exact rendition -- letter for letter, punctuation mark for punctuation mark. All caps and three exclamation points.

Why is this person so grateful?
Why must the gratitude be so IN MY FACE?
Is this person's intent to BLOW...MY...MIND a la power thirst?


Crap I want: point-n-shoot

I would like to purchase an updated photographic apparatus.
I need it to do the following (in order of importance):

1) utilize megapixels rather than 35mm film
2) not exceed about $200
3) render sharp, crisp images
4) be relatively thin, compact and light

I would not need to create prints beyond 5x7" with this camera. I can use my 35mm SLR for that stuff. I want something that will enable to me take quick photos in impromptu situations with the option to later display them on the interweb.

Got any suggestions?

28 July 2008

Ahh... le Tour de France (ReCap Part 1)

First things first: Bob Roll is an idiot. His mispronunciation of the French language is offensive -- I don't know whether he's doing it on purpose but I'm hard-pressed to believe it's an honest mistake. The dude raced over there for a number of years; he has to have some idea. Weezy read that Roll had once been rudely corrected by a Francophile and has deliberately mispronounced French words ever since. If so, Roll needs to grow up and stop saying tour-DEE-france. It makes him sound dumber than he looks.

The tour was not what I would have hoped. It wasn't bad, mind you, just not as interesting as last year's. I commented on Smithers' blog to this effect last week.

Nice work, CSC. They played their hand impeccably. Initially, I didn't believe Sastre had it in him to pull off a win at the Tour; I thought him an always-the-bridesmaid rider. However, after his performance on l'Alpe D'Huez my money was on Sastre over Evans. Sastre is getting old and I think it was now or never for him having been disappointed so many times in the past. It will be interesting to see whether he returns in 2009 to defend the maillot jaune. I found Sastre's humbleness in taking victory as well as the words he had for Evans noteworthy: "For [Evans] to finish second again in the Tour de France... well, I feel for him. I have finished third and fourth and I know what it is to get close. But I believe he has every right to be happy because he did his best." (from cyclingnews.com)

Sastre's tone sits in stark contrast to the deceptions and controversies swirling around the yellow jersey in 07 and represented a civil and sportsman-like atmosphere at this year's Tour. Whereas in '07 everyone from spectators to racers to organizers felt the presence of the 800lb doping gorilla at almost every stage, the topic seemed to be nothing more than a minor snag in 2008. In hindsight, I am glad this was the case and grateful to Prudhomme and Co. for maintaining an environment that focused attention on the race. Well done.

More to come...

25 July 2008

it was a wet ride in this morning

Weezy ate shit 100 yards from work.
I felt bad for him for about seven seconds.

24 July 2008

Afton tainted, lesson learned

This season I've learned that I like riding out to Afton.

When confronted with the choice of riding West or East, I almost always prefer to ride East. I choose this direction even on days when I know I'll have a headwind coming home and my preference is usually to aim for Afton.

I don't know why I do this. Perhaps it's because I like the climbs cut into the bluffs along the Mississippi and St. Croix River fronts. Perhaps it's because of my negative experience earlier this summer in Wyzata. Maybe the smell of cow shit reminds me of riding in Wisconsin. Likely, it's for all these reasons and then some.

Afton, is an ideal destination for a bicycle ride. I can fly out and back from Minneapolis along a fairly direct route and probably "get 'er dun" in 65 or 70 miles. Or, I can take the long way out, weaving a path through SE Minneapolis against the Mississippi, through Fort Snelling, across to Mendota Heights, passing under the High Bridge, up Ohio St, over the High Bridge into downtown St. Paul, along Kellogg Blvd, cresting 94 before settling into a grind up and down the bluffs overlooking the barges tied off on the banks of the Mississippi. The latter is like going the way the crow flies if the crow in question were blind, mostly brain-damaged and in possession of only one of its wings. Poor crow...

Either way, whether I manage to squeeze off a century or only have time and energy for the shortest course between here and there, Afton is the place I want to be my "there."

So, obviously, when I went out for a longer ride last Sunday with Weezy, I chose a ride bound for Afton. The ride went very well; we rode hard into the wind and rested when we had a tail, observing (keenly, I'd like to believe) that we'd have a headwind coming home and would need to conserve some energy for the return leg of our trip. Weezy recommended another detour from the pretty straightforward out-and-back character of Military Road (which is like an artery between East St. Paul and it's Afton appendage) taking us south through corn fields and then soy fields and then fields of some freakish experimental trees. No joke - it was like X-files but for biology enthusiasts. All in all, great scenery and an extremely quiet road as far as traffic was concerned; we saw a solitary pickup.

Upon arriving in Afton, after our best efforts to maim myself while hurtling down St. Croix Trail in a full suicide tuck on the bike, Weezy and I stopped at one of the two establishments that comprise Afton's business district, an ice-cream/coffee shop. (The other being a craft store for... I guess... people who like crafts??? I just don't get it. Seriously, who in their right mind participates in crafts? Anyway, I digress...) We stopped to refill water bottles, consume a quick snack, and leave shortly thereafter, or so I thought. After we both topped off our bottles with delicious ice water I ate a granola bar while Weezy returned to the counter to buy one of his own. When he came out of the shop a moment later, however, he was carrying one dainty espresso, one humongous sandwich and one bag of rancid chips, which smelled of onions and pickles and rotting cabbage. I was dumbfounded; I had mentioned to Weezy that I wanted to stop only briefly, eat quickly and get back on the bike so that my legs wouldn't start to try and recover. Having to climb the hills out of Afton once this has begun is unpleasant, to say the least. I had hoped to avoid this fate (one that I've fallen victim to many times before, admittedly, on my own accord) but was not so lucky. By the time Weezy finished his feast, we'd been sitting there for 15 or 20 minutes. The climb was slow and rough. Thanks a mil, Weez.

Lesson: rob Weezy blind before embarking on next ride to Afton.

23 July 2008

commuting is awesome

At work we have a system of credits we receive for different types of commuting that don't entail one person driving themselves to and from work in one car. The most lucrative mode as far as credits go -- we get $3 for each 2-way trip that exceeds 5 miles in each direction. I live about 12 miles away from work by bike, so I cash in the maximum $3 for each day I choose to ride. Add that to about three-fifty in gas it costs me to drive out to Bloomington and back and we're talking about some serious coin.

Month to date, I have $45 in credits accrued.
I also filled the gas tank in my car for the first time this evening since June.

Suck it, Exxon.
You too, Cheney.


This past Monday, our co-rec softball team was dealt a shit hand by the umpire; we pretty much had various bogus calls made against us because the ump must not have thought us to be cool or nice or appropriate or ?? enough. Some of us stayed afterward to heckle him during the next game and just be general a-holes in retribution for the BS he put us through the game before.

One comment led to another, and ultimately we were asked (rather commanded) to leave the field "or else." Or else what? The ump would glare at us some more? He did also threaten to call the cops because we had beer at the game. I tried not to laugh but I let out one of those stifled snickers and I think that only pissed him off more.

We wrote an email to the league organizer to complain about the bad calls and apparently the ump took his side of the story there too. By the sound of things, we might need to look for a new field next Spring. C'est la vie.

holy shit

I hear the CEO of United Health pulls down 120 million dollars per year in compensation. Is this true?!? It can't be... If it is, I can't believe people are even having conversations about whether or not to pull the for-profit insurance companies from the equation of health care. Do the idiots who argue against trying a single-payer system and and for maintaining the current system realize they also support this wasteful use of patients' money?

17 July 2008

21 posts; last published April 22, 2008

ho-ley crap.

it's been FAR too long.
with a tag line that instructs you to "try harder..." this blog has not lived up to the hype. a thousand apologies.

ok, not really. I'm not really sorry at all.
however, I will make a concerted effort (for the, what, 4th time now??) to keep this thing up to date.

problem is time. not enough of it, to be precise.
now I'm going to flake off and play on facebook before I go to bed.