23 July 2008


This past Monday, our co-rec softball team was dealt a shit hand by the umpire; we pretty much had various bogus calls made against us because the ump must not have thought us to be cool or nice or appropriate or ?? enough. Some of us stayed afterward to heckle him during the next game and just be general a-holes in retribution for the BS he put us through the game before.

One comment led to another, and ultimately we were asked (rather commanded) to leave the field "or else." Or else what? The ump would glare at us some more? He did also threaten to call the cops because we had beer at the game. I tried not to laugh but I let out one of those stifled snickers and I think that only pissed him off more.

We wrote an email to the league organizer to complain about the bad calls and apparently the ump took his side of the story there too. By the sound of things, we might need to look for a new field next Spring. C'est la vie.

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