17 July 2008

21 posts; last published April 22, 2008

ho-ley crap.

it's been FAR too long.
with a tag line that instructs you to "try harder..." this blog has not lived up to the hype. a thousand apologies.

ok, not really. I'm not really sorry at all.
however, I will make a concerted effort (for the, what, 4th time now??) to keep this thing up to date.

problem is time. not enough of it, to be precise.
now I'm going to flake off and play on facebook before I go to bed.


The Beans said...

You, yob.

Anonymous said...

Just talk about your training and where you bike. Thats what i used to do.

The Beans said...

Or talk about how you get kicked out of adult co-ed softball games. That's always fun... ;p