27 April 2009

"It occurs in Earth"

What does it say about otherwise competent and lucid Minnesotans that a person such as Michelle Bachmann can be elected not once but twice to serve in the US House as a representative of our state?

What does it say about the individuals in our 6th District who voted her into office either of these two times (but especially the second)?

What does it say about those who helped Bachmann achieve re-election this past November? (you idiots know who you are)

This is nothing short of a travesty.


Skibby said...

i'd teabag her...

Erik said...

Stealing this for PDW blog.

v10 said...

I'm gonna be famous now!!

The Beans said...


Oh my god.

v10 said...

yea, that one was awesome. a good friend works for a legislator in OR and just loves feeding me this Bachmann stuff....