08 November 2008

Velo Cyclocross Wrap Up

Cyclocross racing in good cyclocross weather again this weekend.

When I saw Smithers out there after the C race was done, I asked if he was racing. Then I felt dumb.

My race went ok -- maybe a 7 out of 10. I missed the hole-shot at the start, setting me at about mid-pack despite lining up at the front. I missed clipping in and it cost me my good placement. The rest of my race was all about making up places. This was easy at the start as everyone was fairly bunched up but grew harder as the race went on. This was the only good part of the race -- namely, that I enough energy and strength to keep making up spots as the race went on. This bodes well for starting to ride the B's in a longer race format. I would start now, but there is only a single race left (state champs next week) so it'll have to wait til next season.

The worst part of the race was taking a spill on the wet plywood ramp leading into the velodrome infield. My bike slipped out and I went down pretty hard on the wooden track. My hip is pretty sore but I should be ok save for nice tennis-ball sized bruise. It was toward the end of the race and resulted in loosing the only 2 positions of my race.

I ended with a 14th place finish, a good bit behind Apples who held down a 6th place finish. Second week in a row for Apples -- good work Apples. I am excited for next week and a little sad for cyclocross season to be over. Strangely, I am looking forward beginning a training regimen for next year.

Apples and I stayed after our race to watch the B's and A's. In between, we went for pizza. Yum. The B race was good and I yelled at DC and T3 to go faster. T3 wins the price for most thorough observance of said hollering.

The A race was fast. Right away Doug Swanson and Adam Bergman took off. They would not be caught again. In the first lap, Ped suffered no less than three issues -- total bummer. First, the tubee's he borrowed from me got a slow leak on the rear requiring a wheel change. Then, his bike slid out on a hairpin taking him down. Then, his chain dropped on a short hill requiring off-the-bike attention. Again, total bummer. Hopefully next week he will have better luck.

1 comment:

T3 said...

they covered that ramp after your race finished.

love the hollering. i wish i could holler at other people more but i always feel silly and sometimes call out the wrong name and catch myself in the middle and it just comes out like "come on frowaaaguh!!!"

next year you need to race on the track...