Dear old guy driving the ford Taurus station wagon,
What's going on? How's things?
Oh, you know... not much. Just riding home from work.
Nice day, isn't it? Weather's great.
I really enjoy days like this when it isn't too hazy out and the sky turns a nice North Carolina blue.
You didn't know there's a shade of blue named after the state?
Well, hey! you learn something new each day.
What's that?
Your car horn?
Ah, yes, indeed -- you did scare the crap out of me.
Good one.
You're right, you did; you totally got me. I wasn't expecting you to drive up right behind me and liberally apply the horn at all.
Seriously, though, that
was pretty dumb of me to expect you to just pass me like a normal person. I should have realized that just cause you had the whole rest of the street -- like, what, the other 25ft? -- didn't necessarily mean I should expect to be left alone.
Thanks for letting me know I was in your way. Well... I guess not
really in your way
literally, what, with that other 25ft of street, but I get it.
Man! Hey, thanks again for letting me know; sometimes I just zone out and think I have a right to ride a bicycle on the road.
I know!! Crazy, right?
I don't know what gets into me sometimes; frankly, neither did my teachers.
I'll try to remember not to "get in your way" next time.
For sure.
Hey, you have a great weekend, too.