31 August 2008

FU, Home Depot

After a mediocre breakfast at French Meadow (don't bother getting the vegan corn pancakes) I decided to take a detour to Home Depot in SLP on my home. I've had plans to purchase PVC tubing for cross barriers and since I was already in the car I figured I'd add this errand to the outing.

After figuring out how many 10ft tubes and connection joints I'd need, I wheeled myself through self-checkout and made my way out to the car. It didn't take long for me to realize that the Golf does not possess the requisite 10ft of interior space at any angle. I left the connectors in the trunk and carried the eight 10ft tubes back inside to cut.

Though I did not see any PVC tube cutting tools in the plumbing section earlier, I thought to myself, surely, given my circumstance, an employee at Home Depot would be able and willing to suss out an appropriate solution. But as we all learned in grade school: assuming only makes an ASS out of U and ME. The same employee who no more than twenty minutes prior had asked if there was anything he could help me find in aisle 11 now told me that there was nothing he could do. I explained that I only wanted to get these tubes to fit into my car so that I could take my purchase home; I was not asking him to cut the tubes into various length pieces that I would ultimately need to construct my barriers. The employee replied, "yea, sorry. If it was just one tube or something... and you needed it cut in half or something... but we can't really do that." He then offered this appeasement, "I can sell you a saw and you can cut them yourself if you want."

Was this dolt serious? Clearly, he must be joking. But his face did not contort into a smile or even so much as a grin. Instead, I looked into limpid pools of bong water that had welled up in his ocular sockets. Miffed, I told him I did not need a second hack-saw (the one I already have at home works fine) and kindly thanked him for his time. I retrieved the bag filled with connectors and walked them along with my eight 10ft tubes over to the returns counter and plopped everything down for a full refund.

If Home Depot, a giant warehouse brimming with tools, supplies, lumber, kitchen flooring, windows, doors, gardening crap and myriad do-it-yourself widgets, could not, nay, would not assist me in my simple request, I'll be damned if I'm going to give them my business. I harbor no illusions that Home Depot gives two shits whether I spend $29.34 there or not. But for what it's worth, they have lost a customer.

I'm going for a run.

1 comment:

T3 said...

nice.. you should have just run 'em out the window and impaled people as you drove home