03 August 2008

Park Falls weekend getaway

Herein are a few noteworthy things that transpired during my weekend trip to Park Falls, WI, where I attended the Gf's home-town festival, Flambeau-Rama.

I got fatter. How much fatter, I don't know -- I've yet to get on a scale. I credit this to the copious amounts of read meat consumed as well as to the inappropriate number of Dove ice cream bars nibbled down. The meat was a result of little choice in standard fair-time menus (burgers, cheese-burgers, brats or hot-dogs) while the Dove bars... well, I didn't want them to go to waste.

During an otherwise innocuous and even pleasant exchange of stories and opinions, a newly-acquainted gentleman randomly informed me that apparently Minneapolis has the most homosexuals per capita in the United States, 2nd only to San Francisco. I nearly choked on the ice I had been crunching to kill time. Though this "trivia" struck me as offensive and inappropriate, my total awe at hearing this sort of veiled bigotry after what had been 2-3 hours of cordial conversation about a growing number of shared likes checked me from further questioning the tactless comment out loud. Befuddled, I was able only to meekly respond with something along the lines of, "uh... ok." Homosexuals? Really?

Time spent with the Gf's two nephews was fun but tiring. It reinforced my wonderment over how it is that people have kids and then find the energy to wake up day after day, month after month, year after year. The older of the two boys is about to turn four and now picks up on much of what is said as well as some of what's implied through tone and inflection. On at least one occasion in the toddler's company, I found myself searching for obscure words to comment on a topic that was to be kept on the down low. All in all, it was pretty neat seeing how he's developed since having last seen him a year ago. My jury's still out on whether I'll ever embark upon such an adventure. Suffice it to say, this is a decision that will be made on a whim.

1 comment:

Christopher Smith said...

how it is that people have kids and then find the energy to wake up day after day, month after month, year after year.

You have to wake up or they will burn the house down while you sleep.