23 October 2008


I was scheduled for my flu shot today. When I sat down next to the administrator of my shot, she asked if I wanted a flu shot or a flu spray. Intrigued, I inquired after the latter. Unbeknown to me, there's a nasal spray option for the flu vaccine. No needle, no stabee.

So, OK. I chose the nasal spray option.

Nothing much to report 10 minutes later other than a slightly runny nose, and even that is getting better with every passing minute. If this works out fine, I am totally done with flu shots herein. Sweet!


T3 said...

yeah -- i think they created those so they don't have to deal with the kids kicking and screaming and in general acting like a big puss.

my 9 year old has asthma so he is not allowed to take it and acts like a big puss.

glad it worked out for you. i'll just assume you were curious and not a big puss.

T3 said...

p.s. my word verification was "prussy". weird!

v10 said...

99% curious 1% puss.