23 October 2008


T3 is a funny guy. He is also the proprietor of yeast waffles, which I hope to enjoy some weekend in the near future. I came across use of the phrase "crabby pants" on his blog this morning and laughed out loud.

I don't know if it's that funny a phrase in real life -- maybe I just needed to laugh, who knows -- but I thought it was great and I have decided to incorporate this phrase into my vernacular. I will try it out on A in the mornings when she is just waking up and still half-asleep to scold her, "take off them crabby pants!!"

She'll totally think it's funny, realize the error of her ways and not hate me in the slightest bit!

1 comment:

Christopher Smith said...

Yea, I have found my wife's sense of humor is at its peak first thing in the morning.

I keep a Kevlar helmet beside the bed.