I am weak so I roll on top-rope all day.
After a lot of trouble I make it to the top.
Success affords me this view.
Then Primetime cleans the route in sneakers.
In a scene that seemed cut from tsarist times, Russian navy officials
and Orthodox priests sat at a long table, knocking back shots of vodka
and proclaiming emotional toasts.
"The West shuddered 150 years ago when Russia showed its sword, and
the Black Sea turned red with blood," said Igor Bebin, a pink-robed
priest who rose to his feet, vodka glass held high.
"That was the supreme truth. And the truth is that now, for the first
time, the sword of Russia is shining again. Be afraid of the sword."
The Russians cheered, and took a deep drink.
I went to the site last night and they have new iPods. But it looks like the offering has gotten narrower (which is not a bad thing) but there are no more short little squat Nano's. They are tall and skinny now. I think I prefer the short squarish squat ones. Should I not?? As for the iPod touch correct me if I am wrong on this chronology: they make the iPhone, then the iTouch (which is the phone without the phone), and now the iPod Touch, which is just an iPod with a giant "touch" screen. Is that right?
I have to say, I'm not all that pumped about the updates. Am I just not seeing the cool parts?
The iTouch you refer to has always been known as the iPod Touch. It was, and still is, an iPhone without the phone. The previous version and current version of the iPod Touch can run all of the applications, have built-in WiFi, etc.... The new version is cheaper ($229 vs. $299 for 8 GB, $299 vs $399 for 16 GB and $399 vs $499 for 32 GB) and has a slightly different design (with dedicated volume buttons), but that's about it. Well, it does have the Nike+ receiver built into it now, but I don't know how much you care about that.
The Nanos... you are getting double the storage for the same money. You also get nifty new headphones and an accelerometer (shake it to shuffle your music, rotates the display when you rotate the iPod). I personally much prefer the tall/skinny design because it is easier to hold and actually use.
Apple added the "genius" feature to iTunes as well as the new iPods (recommends similar songs to the one(s) you have selected, can create playlists for you around that song), but I don't know how useful that truly is. iTunes 8 has some other new features, but I just haven't had time to play with it, so I can't really comment on them.
Apple also updated the iPod Classic to just one model with 120 GB hard drive. My guess is that this is the last version of the iPod Classic Apple will produce. Next year at this time, it will be completely discontinued.
I was actually quite pleased with the iPod updates and I really like the Nanos. If nothing else, the update was primarily a price drop and those are never bad.
When she ran for governor of Alaska in 2006, Sarah Palin was asked if she would support abstinence-before-marriage programs over sex education, school clinics and contraceptive distribution. She was firm in her answer: "Explicit sex ed programs will not find my support."