09 September 2008

tim "the tool man" taylor

was an idiot.

Yet, I invoke his name to hark the awesomeness that transpired in my kitchen this evening. After conscripting a drain-cleaning snake from the hardware store down the way, I pulled off the drain cover and opened the first line of assault against the clogged drain flanking the kitchen sink.

The past few days have been marred by slow but tense battle between the sink and my will to wash my dishes. In answer to each of my advances the sink held fast its position and showed no signs of weakening. I was reminded of stories from high school that recounted battles fought in the Great War -- entire armies fought over swaths of battlefield that could be measured in inches or feet.

Today, however, the sink's clogged drain met it's demise. Using my newly acquired super weapon I successfully broke loose the obstruction and the sink fell, its previously impenetrable force rendered broken and dismantled at the tip of my coiled spear.

Victory -- oh, it is sweet.

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